directions of holistic and integrative medicine

3.1 The main objectives of the Association are to promote the realization of creative, professional and scientific potential of its members in order to solve urgent scientific and practical problems in the field of Holistic and Integrative Medicine: the direction of holistic and integrative medicine are:

1) Manipulation, chiropractic, osteopathy, postisometric relaxation, Applied kinesiology, massage, acupressure and acupressure and other techniques of manual treatment of the patient for diagnosis, treatment and prevention zabolevaniy.2) Traditional methods of recovery and treatment: acupuncture (BMT Chronopuncture , Yun Liu Qi (celestial and terrestrial trunks branches) auriculotherapy, Su Jok, Su J, micro-needling, surface acupuncture, thermopuncture, createfixture, hirudoreflexotherapy, vacuum reflexology, ultrasonic reflexology, pharmacopuncture, bioenergetika, application and combination reflex therapy methods and other methods of influence on acupuncture points), Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, homotoxicology, anthroposophic medicine, traditional medicine, naturopathy, health food, herbal remedies and other natural substances, natural delivery, hypnotherapy, traditional systems of medicine of various peoples: Chinese, Tibetan, Vedic and so on.

3) methods of bioelectromagnetic influence: effects on the various methods of acupuncture points: electropuncture reflexology, electromicrographs, aeroionizatora, electromagnetometry reflexology, magnetopuncture, svetarundra reflexology, laser puncture. And also-bioenergotherapy, bioresonance therapy, percutaneous electroneurostimulation, the impact of "hubs" and "transformers" of cosmic energy, the impact of information-active drugs - "charged" water, nosodes, organic and reprint copies, etc. Treatment using special generators of physical fields (torsion, microlepton). Non-contact field effect of metals, minerals, plants.

4) diet, nutritional supplements, herbal medicine and methods of a healthy lifestyle, a variety of diet, starvation techniques and detoxification, vegetarian, phytotherapy, macrobiotic, the use of dietary supplements, nutrition methods etc.

5) methods of body and emotion management, including methods of influence on the body through the senses: feedback control, hypnosis, behavioral therapy, visualization and imaging techniques, meditation, the placebo effect, Reiki, Chinese gymnastics and therapy, qi Gong, yoga therapy, acrocarpia system control of respiration, cymatics , music therapy, art-therapy and dans-, laughter therapy, color therapy (including color light therapy on Dinshahu at Morella, Mandel), the impact of Tibetan singing bowls treatment sound psychoenergosuggestion, aromatherapy, flower essences therapy Bach, religious healing of all kinds, physiotherapy and etc.

6) biological and pharmacological agents: apitherapy; hirudotherapy treatment agents of mineral origin, animal origin treatment means; cell therapy, enzymatic, metabolic, oxygen, antioxidant, chelation therapy, biochemical therapy for V.Shyussleru, orthomolecular medicine, combination of biological drugs used against cancer and so on.


7) diagnostic methods: acupuncture, thermopuncture diagnostics, electropuncture diagnostics, pulse diagnosis, iridology, kirilian Photography, frequency-resonance diagnostics etc., includes interaction of these areas with other areas of medicine of medicine and healing techniques of physical and mental, which can be useful for development and implementation of holistic and integrative medicine as well as the use of these areas in veterinary practice;
