At the initiative of the International Association of Holistic and Integrative Medicine (IAHIM), a round table was held by Eduard Metalovich Neymatov, the author and founder of the copyright direction and the Metavitonica school

On February 4, a round table was held in Bishkek with the participation of Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, neurologist-psychotherapist, author and founder of the direction of authorship and school of Metavitonica Neymatov Eduard Metalovich.  The meeting was attended by doctors from various areas of holistic medicine from Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.  Eduard Metalovich answered the questions of the present doctors about the features and capabilities of the Metavitonica method when working with patients.  Of particular interest were the differences between this technique and modern osteopathy.  Questions were highlighted for those studied in Moscow at the school of metavitonics.  The issues of development of this direction in the territory of Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia were also discussed.
